How Reliable is Online News? Pick Up a Local Newspaper You Can Trust

Did you know that, according to 2010’s Project for Excellence in Journalism, as many as 95% of information and breaking news originated as some form of traditional media? Contrary to popular belief, newspapers are not “dying” or “dead.” Newspapers, including Rochester newspapers, are just as valuable as ever. What are some reasons to pick up a paper?
Unlike tweets and Facebook shares, news stories and columns demand a certain level of accountability. Rochester NY newspapers’ sources are reliable, and research is thorough. If and when mistakes happen, readers know exactly who to contact, and corrections in newspapers are necessary, and expected.
Jimmy Kimmel’s recent hoax video, “Worst Twerk Fail EVER – Girl Catches Fire” proves just how bandwagon and trend happy internet sources can be. Popular, and reputable, sites helped circulate the video, leading a good number of sources to describe it as “viral.” Now some of the same sources, who shared the video just one week ago, are backlashing against Jimmy Kimmel and his admission on Tuesday, September 9th that the video was a fake. The real culprit here is not Jimmy Kimmel, and it is not even “twerking.” It is the lack of thought and research that goes into sharing online content. When reading a newspaper Rochester NY locals, and people all over the world, can rest assured that a certain level of research and fact checking goes into printed news stories.
Modern Newspapers
Rochester city newspapers offer local news, world news, business, weather, opinion, classifieds, obituaries, and much more. Print stories are traditionally lengthier than their web counterparts, and people who pick up a physical paper may be better-informed of the details. Even so, residents do not necessarily have to rely on the newspapers in their print form. A good deal of newspapers are online, and many offer a compact version of the print newspaper on popular e-readers like the Kindle and Nook. Readers with Kindle or Nook subscriptions can bookmark pages, make notes, and look up definitions.
When picking up a newspaper Rochester NY residents can expect accuracy, accountability, and they can expect options, too. Locals can make the decision to pick up print newspaper, purchase e-reader subscriptions, or visit newspaper websites online.