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  • Rochester Newspaper 7:24 pm on September 11, 2013 Permalink  

    How Reliable is Online News? Pick Up a Local Newspaper You Can Trust 

    Did you know that, according to 2010’s Project for Excellence in Journalism, as many as 95% of information and breaking news originated as some form of traditional media? Contrary to popular belief, newspapers are not “dying” or “dead.” Newspapers, including Rochester newspapers, are just as valuable as ever. What are some reasons to pick up a paper?


    Unlike tweets and Facebook shares, news stories and columns demand a certain level of accountability. Rochester NY newspapers’ sources are reliable, and research is thorough. If and when mistakes happen, readers know exactly who to contact, and corrections in newspapers are necessary, and expected.

    Jimmy Kimmel’s recent hoax video, “Worst Twerk Fail EVER – Girl Catches Fire” proves just how bandwagon and trend happy interne (More …)

  • Rochester Newspaper 8:44 pm on August 13, 2013 Permalink  

    The Resilience of Rochester Print News 

    As cable television news and the internet have claimed significant portions of the information pie, many have written off Rochester newspapers as part of an antiquated and obsolete news medium. There is even a website called “Newspaper Death Watch,” which professes to be “Chronicling the Decline of Newspapers and the Rebirth of Journalism.”

    While there is certainly an underlying current of satire in the tone of the above website, one also senses more than a hint of sincerity. However, the creators of the website might find themselves “chronicling” for longer than they originally anticipated, as a 2012 study conducted by the Pew Research Center revealed that 23 percent of Americans still read print newspapers.

    Although 23 percent marks a precipitous drop of 18 percentage points in less than a decade, th (More …)

  • Rochester Newspaper 10:14 am on July 14, 2013 Permalink  

    Rochester Newspapers A Brief Overview 

    When the good citizens of Rochester New York think of newspapers, the first name that inevitably comes up is the Democrat and Chronicle. But while it is without a doubt the largest publication in town, it is far from the only one. Here is just a sampling of the wide range of Rochester NY newspapers available to the public.

    1. City Newspaper. Styled as the “alternative newsweekly” for Rochester, the City Newspaper (often just called “The City”) is a progressive paper with a heavy arts focus and a proud liberal bias. It also boasts a massive classified section, serving to further connect people with each other.

    2. The Empty Closet. The oldest LGBTQ newspaper in New York State, and published by the Gay Alliance of Genesee Valley. In 2011 they made digitizations of the previous forty years of publication (More …)

  • Rochester Newspaper 10:17 am on June 23, 2013 Permalink  

    Finding Rochester Newspapers Can Help You Get The Right Information 

    If you crave local news, but are not sure where to get it in Rochester newspapers offer one of the best ways for you to ultimately get what you need. The top Rochester newspapers will give you the chance to have better reading material than you will find from anywhere else as well as what you might find from TV or other media news sources. You will see that once you are able to get into Rochester newspapers and start reading the material that you can collect from them, you will be able to finally have a way to catch up on all of your favorite stories.

    For local news, you cannot beat the information that you will get from Rochester newspapers because they are born and bred from the local area. This is important because Rochester newspapers will provide you with a good amount of news in regards to the ev (More …)

  • Rochester Newspaper 1:06 pm on June 12, 2013 Permalink  

    Get All of the Top News Stories at Once 

    Newspaper rochester

    With the help of some of the best and most reliable Rochester newspapers, anyone that wants to keep up to date news stories will find that doing so can be easier than ever. A Rochester newspaper could be the perfect portable news source for anyone that wants to read about current business news, political events or human interest stories. Before selecting their new favorite newspaper rochester ny residents should carefully consider what it is that they want.

    People in Rochester New York are often very connected to their hometown, and reading the right Rochester newspaper could give people a daily look at all of their favorite local happenings. Whether someone is interested in who is playing at this years Jazz Festival, or they want to know the schedule of the Rochester Redwings home games, chances are that they will be able to find it all in a terrific local Rochester newspaper.

    Those that cannot afford the most expensive WiFi and data plans for their smartphones and tablet computers may not be able to log online whenever they want. Thankfully, a Rochester newspaper is as convenient and affordable as it is portable. Many people may find that a subscription or quick walk to the newsstand could save them a lot of money over time.

    There are even more ways that the right Rochester newspaper could help people connect with the town that they know and love. A local newspaper will give residents a special look at their schools, the cities budget, and the latest happenings on popular and influential individuals. It will also give people a chance to read and write letters to the editor. A newspaper that allows for a constant flow of information and dialogue is something that no one will want to miss.

  • Rochester Newspaper 10:20 pm on May 19, 2013 Permalink  

    Online Newspapers Provide Convenience 

    Rochester ny newspapers

    Before the invention of the internet and mobile devices, it was common to see people holding newspapers and magazines. Today, it is almost impossible to walk down the street without seeing people carrying smart phones and tablet PCs. We are more connected with one another than ever before because of the internet. Major newspapers are moving away from physical print to online websites. An online newspaper Rochester provides plenty of convenience for people who want to stay up to date with local events. Furthermore, people who want to stay up to date with worldly events can gain information easily from an online newspaper Rochester.

    Rochester newspapers online provide a comprehensible search function to give people the chance to find what they are looking for in no time. At the click of a mouse, you can find information about the weather, traffic, sports, entertainment and world news. You even have the option to subscribe to Rochester NY newspapers to receive newsletters and alerts by email. By using a smart phone or tablet PC, you can read a newspaper Rochester at your convenience. Another benefit associated with an online newspaper Rochester NY is the archive section that many major newspapers provide.

    Archives are crucial for people who want to catch up on information they have missed in the past. Consumers can find deals by browsing the classified section of an online newspaper Rochester. Business owners can use online newspapers to advertise their products and services to a local target audience. Investors can keep up with the latest market changes by using an online newspaper Rochester New York. Subscribers can use an RSS feed reader to have new content sent automatically to their feed. As you can see, people have more access to information than even before, thanks to the internet.

  • Rochester Newspaper 12:23 pm on May 14, 2013 Permalink  

    When You Live In Rochester New York, You Need News And This Info Can Help You Find It 

    Rochester ny newspaper

    If you are a person living in Rochester New York, it is likely that you would like to know the news regarding not just the major national issues, but what is going on in the city, the Finger Lakes region, and the greater whole of Western New York. Fortunately, you can find some great sources of news right from Rochester new york by resorting to reading the paper. While Rochester New York newspapers have been around forever, they are still one of the best unbiased ways for you to get your information on what is going on around town and you will do well to read them.

    When Rochester New York residents decide to read the news instead of watch it on television, they will wind up having a much different experience. This is because Rochester New York newspapers are a physical object that you can read which puts you in complete control of the information that you receive. When reading the newspaper Rochester residents can skip words or entire stories if they wish and simply read the things that matter to them the most. By utilizing the news on TV instead of Rochester NY newspapers, you could wait an hour to hear about the story that interested you the most.

    In order to acquire a newspaper Rochester NY residents will not have to go far. In fact, while any news stand, grocery store, or convenience mart will sell local Rochester newspapers, you can also choose to have them delivered right to your door every morning. This means that instead of having to go out to look for Rochester newspapers, they will be waiting for you when you need them.

    If you would prefer not to read the newspaper however, there is another way that you can get your news about the local area in and that way is through the internet. By reading local newspapers online, you will have all of the benefits of a print newspaper, but in a digital format. You will even have the benefit of using search functions if you decide to read the paper this way so that you can get right to the news you want to read the most.

    Overall, the news is important, both nationally and locally. Fortunately, you will find that Rochester makes it rather easy for you to do. The more you read, the more empowered you will become.

  • Rochester Newspaper 10:43 am on May 2, 2013 Permalink  

    Reading Rochester NY Newspapers Can Make You More Informed 

    Rochester newspapers

    To get the latest news in the Rochester area, you could rely on online sources, but who is verifying the information that you read there? Forums and social media are good methods to get news fast, but there is often little to no fact checking involved, and many of the stories which are verified actually come from Rochester NY newspapers first. In the rush to get the story out as quickly as possible, news aggregators will pull stories from dozens, or even hundreds of sources. For local news in particular, sources like Rochester NY newspapers prove to be the most reliable, whether using articles from the print version or the online site of the paper in question.

    The newspaper Rochester residents already have available to them could be the best source for news that they will find in the area, and with online articles that are becoming increasingly mobile friendly, it is becoming easier to take the latest breaking news with you wherever you go. Rochester New York has a lot going on on any given day, so being able to keep up with Rochester NY newspapers could be valuable. If you want to know about entertainment, stories, politics, or the local sports scene, Rochester newspapers provide you with all of the facts that you need in one easy to read article. You can check out different Rochester NY newspapers to find which is the best for you, but you will find that reading multiple newspapers from the area can give you the clearest perspective on what is currently happening. If you are interested in reviews on local entertainment, Rochester NY newspapers also provide some great opinions you can use to plan your weekend.

    As more people go to get their news online, it can be easy to forget that Rochester NY newspapers were reliable for up to a century before the internet was even invented. Some papers have, in some form, been in circulation since the turn of the 20th century, and continue to provide news that you can rely on. The Rochester NY newspaper that you read has a history, a reputation, and a staff of journalists, editors, and fact checkers that make sure each publication is held to a higher standard. The newspaper rochester NY residents read comes from a rich history, a strong tradition, and a solid reputation for the latest news you can trust.

  • Rochester Newspaper 4:02 pm on April 22, 2013 Permalink  

    Newspapers are a Great Option for Individuals Who Want to Keep Up with Everything Happening in their Community 

    Rochester ny newspaper

    Many individuals take pride in their ability to keep up with all of the latest news in their community. Perhaps the best way to do so is by regularly reading and following Rochester newspapers. Because they are packed with a lot of information about a wide range of topics, Rochester newspapers are a great resource for anybody who wants to stay in touch with their community and the events occurring within it. By picking up a newspaper rochester NY residents will easily be able to stay current on all of the happenings in their city and the surrounding area.

    Though it might not feature the big names of other cities, Rochester new york does have several professional sports organization. In order to keep up with their favorite teams and players, many individuals will read Rochester newspapers daily. Great Rochester newspapers will have stories, statistics, and opinions about local baseball, basketball, lacrosse, hockey, and soccer teams, which means that anybody who wants to keep up with local athletics should follow them. Spending an afternoon at the ball park or stadium is a great way for individuals to pass the time, and actually knowing who the players are is a great way for someone to take the most enjoyment out of the game.

    While there are lots of things to do on a weekend for people who prefer not to spend their days away from work lounging on the couch, finding them all can be a bit difficult. Luckily, Rochester newspapers feature information about all kinds of upcoming events. Individuals might find out about festivals, concerts, art galleries, and just fun places to eat or drink in the Rochester newspapers they read. So if someone wants to pack their weekends with entertaining things to do, they might want to start by picking up a Rochester NY newspaper.

    Unfortunately, busy schedules make it difficult for many individuals to find the time they need every day to sit down and read their favorite Rochester newspapers. If that is the case, they might want to find Rochester newspapers that feature a strong online presence. By visiting the website of Rochester newspapers, individuals are able to get the information they need without having to do so much as leave their work desk. And, if that site is optimized for mobile use, they can access all the stories they are interested in while on the go.

  • Rochester Newspaper 8:45 pm on April 17, 2013 Permalink  

    The Voice of Rochester 

    Rochester newspapers

    The Rochester NY newspapers that everyone knows is the Democrat and Chronicle. There might be a populist element to this. After all, while its founder, William Gannett, was a global phenomenon whose competition with William Randolf Hurst was legendary, he was nonetheless an important man to the Rochester community itself. The University of Rochester’s famous observatory telescope is located on an estate that used to belong to him.

    As a newspaper Rochester’s “Democrat and Chronicle” has remained more viable than other local newspapers. Rochester new york is a complex environment in which something new is always waiting to happen. This is not to say that all of the news that Rochester NY newspapers provides is good news. To say that no news is good news is a cliche, but when it comes to Rochester newspapers reporting on Rochester politics, this is typically true.

    There is no question that Rochester NY newspapers have had to report on quite a few congressional and state scandals in the Rochester area. That being said, there is more to Rochester NY newspapers than scandal and gossip. They provide a lot of local news that people can use to learn about everything from art exhibits and gallery openings to sporting events such as the hockey and soccer games for which the Blue Cross Blue Shield Arena is known.

    Rochester NY newspapers are among the best options for anyone who is interested in getting to know the Rochester area better. And there are a lot of people who regularly do want to get to know that Rochester area better. There are thousands of parents who come to Rochester every year to watch their children graduate. There are thousands of freshman who come to Rochester for the first time every fall, from places like North Carolina or Minnesota or Taiwan. It is for this reason that Rochester NY newspapers can be a great resource for anyone who wants to get to know New York better. Rochester hosts two of the states top ten employers and, while New York City might hold things down in the south, Rochester is one of the most important anchors which can definitely carry its own weight in the north.

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